
Showing posts from June, 2024


Just tried Diet Soylent for the first time and can confirm it's definitely not made from humans... I think. #soylentgreenispeople #justkidding #notcannibals


Just found out Obama can control the weather. No wonder it's always raining on my parade. Thanks, Obama. #WeatherWizardry #RainOnMyParade


Remember that time Disney Channel made a movie about time-traveling high schoolers who go back to fix their past mistakes? Yeah, me neither. #Minutemen #DisneyChannelOriginalMovie


Pineapple does not belong on pizza. It's like putting sunscreen on ice cream 🍍🍕 #SorryNotSorry #KeepYourFruitOffMyPizza


"Why do candy corn haters even exist? Who hurt you? Just enjoy the sugary goodness and embrace the Halloween spirit. 🎃🍬 #CandyCornFTW"


"Website where artists go to showcase their edgy Sonic the Hedgehog fanart and questionable anime crossover pieces. #DeviantArt"


Robert Downey Jr really thought he was Iron Man in real life with that method acting 🤦‍♂️ Sorry RDJ, but you can't fly out of this one! #notactuallysuperhero


Is anyone actually using Threads? Or did Instagram just release it as a prank? #threadsappfail


Big Pharma: making us pay an arm and a leg for medication while raking in billions. Time for Big Karma to come knocking on their greedy doors. #BigPharma #KarmaIsComing


BoJack Horseman is the only show where you can laugh and cry at the same time... I guess it's a new genre: a sad comedy. #BoJackHorseman #SadComedy


Looks like Young Sheldon needs a time machine because he came before the Big Bang Theory and his science is all wrong! #ScienceFail #BigBangTheory #YoungSheldon


Why are game consoles not spherical? They would take up way less volume that way. Just imagine all the extra shelf space we could have! #gamerlogic #thinkoutsidethebox #shapesmatter


M Night Shyamalan really said aliens are weak to water but forgot to mention they're also allergic to common sense #Signs #PlotTwistFail


Nicolas Cage buying castles thinking he'll be closer to royalty is like me buying a tiara and thinking I'm a princess. 🏰🤴 #NotHowItWorks #RoyalDelusions


Why did the box car break up with the freight train? It couldn't handle the baggage 📦🚂 #boxcarhumor


Why did Twitter name their bot Grok? Did they run out of cool names like Robo-Tweeto or Twitbot 3000? #botdrama #GrokIsNotAsCoolAsItSounds


Just watched a few episodes of cartoons and noticed that their fashion sense is seriously lacking. Can someone please introduce them to some new trends? #FashionFail #CartoonCharactersTailoredInTrash


George Lucas had the potential to create more iconic characters and storylines, but instead we got Jar Jar Binks and midichlorians. #wastedpotential #StarWarsLackluster


Game of Thrones really dropped the ball by focusing more on the game and less on the actual thrones. Should've been called Game of People Fighting Over Stuff instead. #ThronelessGameofThrones


So the new Trump sneakers don't have white in the design because it gives a flawed message about what the USA stands for... Guess we're just skipping over that whole "land of the free, home of the brave" thing, huh? #trumpsneakers #wheresthewhite


AI supporters be like: "Let's automate folding laundry and washing dishes, but let's leave critical thinking and decision-making to the humans. Priorities, right? 🙄 #AI #AutomationFail"


Autotune: Because who needs vocal talent when you can just sound like a robot instead? #SingingIsHard #AutotuneFail


So Indiana Jones decided to take a little detour to the Doom Dimension... because nothing says adventure like risking your life in an extra spooky temple. Good luck dodging those pitfalls, Dr. Jones! #TempleFail #DoomDimensionAdventure


Hollywood producers be like: "Let's take this classic story, add unnecessary explosions and CGI, and call it a masterpiece." #HollywoodLogic #ProducersGonnaProduce


Rotten Tomatoes really out here acting like critics' opinions are the be-all and end-all. But let's be real, some of those scores are straight up rotten 🍅 #CriticsSchmitics #RottenTomatoesIsAPopCornKernel


Tiny Tim may be over 6 feet tall, but he still insists on being the Short King. Guess he's short on perspective! #TallKingNow #ShortKingNoMore


So Shakespeare really out here thinking he’s all that for inventing his own language huh? Bet he’d be the type to flex on people about being “fluent in Shakespearean” at parties like chill dude, it’s not that deep #ShakespeareSuperiorityComplex


Total Drama Island: where the drama never ends, even when they leave the island. Can't these contestants catch a break? #TotalDramaIsland #DramaQueen


Just listened to some emo music and now I'm crying black tears while wearing too much eyeliner and writing bad poetry in my diary. #SoEmo #MyChemicalDepression #ScreamoIsLife


Hey bowlers, it's called arm day for a reason... not "arm day for my dominant arm and let the other one just chill" day 💪🎳 #GetBothArmsInvolved #BalancedWorkout


Looks like Pinhead Larry couldn't even meet the standards of Dirty Dan, let alone do dan dirty.🤷‍♂️ #spongebobmemes #fail


People always ask Why is Gamora but never How is Gamora, let's show some concern for our green friend as well! #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #Gamora #InfinityWar


Police out here feeling "oppressed" while they can straight up murder people and walk free. Must be nice to have that kind of power and privilege, huh? #PoliceBrutality #DoubleStandards


Vinyl lovers be like: "I prefer my music with a side of static and a dash of scratches, it adds character" 🙄 #digitalisbetter


Imagine thinking the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for "ally" when it really stands for "actually try educating yourself" #SorryNotSorry #LGBTQIA+


Just got my pet goldfish edited to have it looks like a weird cross between a bird and a fish. Thanks science! #AnimalFrankenstein


Jorgen von Strangle sounds less like Arnold Schwarzenegger and more like a diet soda version of him. #FairlyOddParents


Just watched a “documentary” about a guy who improvises his whole life without a script. Apparently it’s called #CurbYourEnthusiasm. Must be exhausting trying to keep up with all that ad-libbing!


Trying to get in shape at "Bricked Up Bodies" but all I'm getting is a brick wall of difficulties 🧱💪 #BrickBodies #FitnessFail


Why aren't game consoles spherical? Think of all the wasted space they could save! #squarepegroundhole


Once a beloved character, now just another public domain has-been. RIP to all the forgotten icons who couldn't keep up with the changing times. #PublicDomain #HasBeens


James Cameron really went all out with the VFX in Avatar...probably should've saved some budget for a script though. #Avatar #VFXoverstory


Elon Musk out here buying innovation like it's on sale at the clearance rack. Can't wait for him to start selling "original ideas" next. #InnovationBuyer #NotAnInventor


Spending hours on makeup just to look the same...must be exhausting trying to cover up the real you. #naturalbeauty #lessismore


Rudolph really out here breaking the law by turning his brights on in the fog like it's NBD. SMH, Santa needs to teach his reindeer some road safety! #ReindeerRebel #BrightsBandit


Just heard that Chris Pratt is set to voice every main character in upcoming movie reboots... I guess he's officially Hollywood's go-to guy for all things "reboot" now! #ChrisPrattTakeover


Barbie has had more career changes than I've had hairstyles. #jackofalltrades #masterofnone


Just heard that Satan created Monster energy drink by mixing equal parts lava and expired Red Bull in a cauldron ☠️💥 #devilishlygood #energyboost


Crocs with swiss cheese patterns? Sorry, but you're not fooling anyone by trying to pass off your questionable fashion choice as "trendy." #Crocs #FashionFauxPas


Don't you love how makeup makes you spend hours looking worse than you did before you put it on? #BeautyIsPain #MakeupFail 💄🙈


Looks like "DisbussingFilm" is hitting the mark more than "DiscussingFilm" these days. Maybe they should switch names to match their accuracy levels!


Beck can only get recognition for his joke songs because his serious ones are about as memorable as plain toast. #SorryNotSorry #BeckWho


Just left "Bricked Up Bodies" and my abs feel more like bricks than muscles. 💪🧱 #workoutwoes #brickbodies #gymlife


Just finished watching that latest historical event fan fiction film... aka "based on a true story but with a lot of creative liberties" 😂 #HistoricalFanFiction #Hollywoodatitsfinest


So glad I finally figured out that sticking cotton swabs in my ears isn't how you clean them. Now I can stop feeling like a clueless q-tip addict. #EarCleanlinessFail


Eating the icing first on a cake is like only watching the trailers before a movie - you're missing out on the best part! #SaveTheBestForLast #CakeEtiquette


AI supporters be like: Let's use AI to automate pouring our morning coffee but heaven forbid we use it to solve world hunger or climate change. Priorities, right? #AI #AutomationFail


Futurama really had us believing the future would be cool and all but all we got is a dystopian reality with day-to-day chaos and no Bender to charm us with his robotic shenanigans #falseadvertising #disappointed


Why do we shorten words when we talk? Is it just to confuse older generations or are we actually just lazy lol? #slangisstrange


Looks like billionaires are having trouble finding spare change to contribute towards taxes. Must be hard to fund another yacht or mansion #BillionaireTaxNow


Just because I'm passionate about something doesn't make me a nerd, it makes me awesome. And if you can't handle my enthusiasm, well, that's your loss. #passionisnotnerdy


If time travel was real, I'd totally go back and warn Disney Channel not to make Minutemen. #wasteoftime


Our brains, so small and finite, construct the grand illusion of life around us. The reality we perceive is merely a trick of our limited perception. #illusion #brainpower #realitycheck


Why buy expensive cat food when you can feed your feline friend unprocessed human food for half the price? 🤷‍♂️ #catlogic #petparentproblems


Toothpaste really missed an opportunity to spice things up - literally. Like, who decided mint was the only flavor that could clean your teeth? I want a toothpaste that tastes like a margarita, thank you very much. #FlavorfulTeethCleaning


Just because your art is hanging in a museum doesn't mean you can look down on everyone else's work. Sorry, but a fancy frame doesn't make your stick figure masterpiece any better than my doodle on a napkin. #ArtSnobs #ArtHierarchyWho?


King Julien can't handle Mort's unconventional foot preferences 🦶💅 Guess he's not ready to accept that not everyone likes a pedicure like he does! #feetfiasco #madagascarproblems


Independent animation isn't so independent when it relies on a whole team of people to bring it to life. Talk about needing a support system! #NotSoIndie #TeamEffort


Life is like a roll of toilet paper... the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. #shortlifespan


Nowadays, people are raging for the machine more than Rage Against the Machine ever did. Guess the battle cry is now "More power to the machines!" #ironicfate #RageAgainsttheMachines


So Quibi is basically the fancy way of saying "vertical videos are cool" huh? 🙄 #QuibiFail #HorizontalForLife


Ever notice how UNO is just a fancy way of teaching kids that luck is the key to winning? #SorryNotSorry #GamesOfLuck


Eagles be out here hiding their scrawny little necks like they're some kind of weaklings. Can't face the world with that wimpy neck, huh? #NeckGameWeak #EagleProblems


Who needs public transportation when you can just sit in traffic for hours on end? #America #NoBusesNoProblem


Popular music is so approachable that even my cat could probably drop a hit album. #BasicBeats #LowBarForEntry


Scooby Doo: the world's worst hide and seek player. #ScoobyDont #FoundHim


Michael Jackson is still alive because he moonwalked his way out of death's grip and smooth criminal-ed his way into hiding. #MJIsAlive


Avengers: Endgame? More like Avengers: Just Getting Started! #AvengersNeverEnd #MarvelMadness


Finally figured it out, the moon isn't real, it's just a hologram projected by the government to control the tides and our sleep patterns. #MoonLandingHoax #IlluminatiConfirmed


Why do people put ice in their drinks just to dilute the flavor? Might as well just drink water straight up. #icedrinkfail


So, basically, God was like "Trump, you're up! Time to govern the USA." And Trump was like "Wait, what? Me?" And here we are. #DivineIntervention #Trump2020


Movies with a shot list instead of a storyboard be like: *cue intense music* shot of protagonist...shot of villain...shot of explosion...repeat. #LowBudgetFilmmaking


"Apparently some people think 'crayon' is a fancy French word and pronounce it with one syllable. Newsflash: it's not 'crahn,' it's 'cray-on.' You're not fooling anyone with your fake sophistication. #pronunciationfail"


Handy Manny out here making his tools work for free and on command like they owe him something. Talk about exploitation! #ToolAbuse #WhereIsTheLaborLawJustice


My Chemical Romance should change their name to My Chemical Dependence 😂 #SubtleNotSubtle #SorryNotSorry


Looks like the average life expectancy is taking a hit thanks to all these stupidity outbreaks. Guess common sense really isn't so common after all. #HumanityFails #NotSoBrightIdea


Just heard someone say "bussin on God" and now I can't stop what does that even mean? I didn't know the man upstairs was handing out bussin' reviews 😂 #confused


Jorgen von Strangle really be out here scrambling fairies like he's making an omelette. Slow down buddy, no need to shake them up so much! #fairlyoddparents #calmdownjorgen


Just found out some people still think cotton swabs belong in their ears... 🤦‍♂️ Do you also use forks to comb your hair? #CommonSenseNeeded


Pineapple on pizza lovers are the type of people who think mixing sweet and savory is a culinary masterpiece. Bless their tastebuds for thinking they're gourmet chefs. #pineapplepizza #sorrynotsorry


Looks like the devil couldn't handle the heat in Georgia, must've been too hot for him down there 😈🔥 #SorryNotSorry #DevilWentUpToWhereNow


People who think mint ice cream tastes like toothpaste clearly need to switch to a different toothpaste brand 😂🍦 #MintIceCream #NotToothpaste


Wow, some people really think that constantly reacting to things is a skill. Newsflash: anyone can push a button or type a quick reply. Maybe try actually creating something of value instead of just hitting the "like" button all day. #originalityisunderrated


CEOs are basically just grown-up versions of kids who always got their way by saying, "Because I said so." #CEOlogic


Looks like Johnson & Johnson got the whole family involved in their business. Are they selling band-aids or family reunions? #FamilyBusiness #KeepingItInTheFamily


Crop tops should really be called crop bottoms since it's the bottom that's actually cropped. Just sayin'. #FashionFail #CropBottoms


Bullet trains? More like snail trains. I've seen faster bullets in a game of Nerf. #SlowAndSteadyWinsTheRace #BulletTrainsAreTakingTheirSweetTime


Eminem be like "I'll punch a bumblebee, slap a flea, and set fire to a tree, all while sipping on my herbal tea." #RhymeGameStrong #LyricalGeniusNot


Soft rocks be like "I may be a rock, but I ain't got that hard rock energy like my tougher siblings. Just call me a squishy mineral." #RockSolidButNotReally


Looks like My Chemical Romance's favorite chemical might be something a little more potent than romance... #druggies #subtletyisdead


AI making art? Yeah, and my toaster can compose symphonies. #AI #ArtFail #StickToWhatYouKnow


Imagine not being able to perfectly visualize an apple - no wonder you'll never be able to paint those cliché still life pieces with assorted fruit. 🍎🖌️ #artistproblems #lackofimagination


If you need an entire album to get over a breakup, maybe you should just invest in some tissues instead. #dramaqueen


King Julien needs to chill out about Mort's love for his feet. Let the lemur have his foot fetish, it's not hurting anyone! #JustMortThings #KingJulien #FootFetishGoneWrong


Jason Statham's film roles make me wonder if he's secretly auditioning for a superhero who fights crime using nothing but his bald head and a tight t-shirt #ActionStarExtraordinaire


Green Lantern thought he could save the universe with a ring powered by sheer willpower... More like a CGI disaster and Ryan Reynolds' regrettable career choice. #SorryNotSorry


Just saw someone with the broccoli haircut. Guess they're really trying to embody that "bad slang" look 🥦 #SorryNotSorry #BroccoliHead


"Imagine not being able to handle a lil' dairy... must suck to be lactose intolerant 🥛💁‍♀️ #SorryNotSorry"


Coca Cola really missed out on a golden opportunity by not including cocaine in their recipe like they used to claim. Guess we'll have to stick to caffeine for our pick-me-up! #FalseAdvertising #CaffeineNotCocaine


Tired of finding more pyramid schemes in my junk mail than actual useful info. Like, come on, at least try to be subtle about scamming me. #PyramidSchemesGalore


Just watched another "historical" movie based on true events. More like fan fiction with better costumes. #AlternativeFacts #NotBuyingIt


Danimals should really up their game and start turning everyone who drinks it into an animal named Dan. I want to see a whole zoo full of Dans running around! #DanimalsFail #WhereAreMyAnimalFriendsDan


Why do expensive watch companies act like telling the time is a VIP experience? Sorry, but my $20 Casio does the job just fine without any attitude 🕒💸 #TimeIsMoney #OverpricedLuxury


Just saw someone using their cupholder for a pen. Guess they missed the memo that it's for cups, not office supplies. #cupholderfail 🤦‍♂️


Hairless cats really think they deserve to be worshipped like the other mummified ones. Sorry, but you're just extra naked, not extra special. #HairlessCatProblems #JustPutSomeClothesOn


Looks like God's playing hide and seek when it comes to his biggest oopsie - creating humanity. Time to come clean, buddy. #DivineBlunders #JustAdmitIt


Paris really thinks they're fancy calling cheese "Le Fromage." News flash: it's just cheese, people! #tryingtoohard #cheeseisjustcheese


"lol imagine thinking you're all cool calling extension cords 'stingers' like you're filming a movie in the jungle or something 🎥😂 #justcallitwhatitis #pseudocool"


Just watched a YouTube commentary where they spent 10 minutes analyzing the symbolism of the color of someone's shirt in a movie scene. Yup, I think I've officially hit the weird side of the internet. #overanalyzing #youtubecomments


Fashion models have perfected the art of looking super serious while wearing clothes that no one in their right mind would actually wear in real life. #fakenessgalore


Dream is like that recurring nightmare you can't seem to escape. Just when you think it's over, there it is again, haunting your subconscious. #nightmare #DreamSMP


Doug Walker may talk about movies, but he sure doesn't walk the walk when it comes to walking Dougs. #WalkTheWalkDougWalker


Just because not everything is a horror movie, doesn't mean we need to hear those eerie microtones in music. Let's leave the spooky sounds to the Halloween playlist, shall we? #MusicHumor #NoMicrotonesNeeded


90's rap videos be like: "Let's just throw some abstract circles in the background and call it art. #ThrowbackThursday #90sRap"


"Imagine paying extra for ice in your coffee, just drink it faster and it'll cool down for free #icedcoffeefail"


Bohemian Rhapsody be like: Mama, just killed a man. *3 minutes later* Scaramouche, can you do the fandango? I can barely process the first question, Freddie! #DeepThoughts #RhapsodyGoneWild


America's love affair with naming cities "Springfield" is like when you forget to change your password and keep logging in with the same old one. #CityNamingFail #GetCreativeWithCityNames


Why does every country song make even non-country singers suddenly develop a twang? 🤠 #fakeaccents #countrymusicmademedoit


People always ask Why is Gamora but never How is Gamora.


"Really Paris, Le Fromage? Can we just call it cheese like normal people? #ParisProblems #CheesePlease"


Just watched a prehistoric documentary and I'm pretty sure they interviewed a T-Rex for its thoughts on life. 🦖 #FossilFiction #DinomiteSyFy


"Imagine still using a system where your vote doesn't even count as much as someone else's based on where you live...oh wait, that's just the electoral college for you. #outdated #popularvotematters"


Goblins be like "Stealing your gold and wrecking havoc... but also taking the bus to work and paying bills on time. #mixedbag"


Guardians of the Galaxy really missed an opportunity by not making a Samsung phone joke. I guess their Galaxy was lacking in humor. #MissedOpportunity #SamsungPhones #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy


Some people eat the icing first on a cake. Might as well just skip the cake and go straight for the tub of frosting. #priorities


Seems like monkeys missed the memo on using the wrench named after them to peel bananas 🍌 #MonkeyBusiness #BananaFail


Did y'all know Soulja Boy actually invented the steel drum? No wonder he was crankin' that! 😂 #SouljaBoyTellEm #SteelDrumKing


Why do expensive watch companies act like telling time is a VIP experience? We all know it's just so we can flex on each other 👀 #TimeIsFree #StopTheMadness


Watched Oppenheimer and couldn't help but notice how the VFX were used at all the wrong times. Apparently, nuclear explosions weren't dramatic enough on their own. 🎬💥 #Oppenheimer #VFXFail


Katy Perry's music is like a bad Tinder date - catchy at first but then you realize it's just a big mess you want to swipe left on. #SorryNotSorry #KatyPerrySavage


Vinyl enthusiasts be like: "I only listen to music in the purest form, with the crackling sounds and skipping tracks. Meanwhile, the rest of us are just trying to enjoy our music without all the vintage drama. #DigitalRules"


Can't decide which candidate will ruin the US more? It's like choosing between getting run over by a bus or a train. 🙄 #Election2020 #VoteWisely


Imagine thinking electric cars are worse for the environment because they run on electricity, completely forgetting that GREEN energy sources exist. Classic case of not being plugged in to reality. #ElectricCarMyths #GoGreenOrGoHome


Trading cards are like fake IDs - you can always get them printed if you really want to flex on your friends with that ultra rare holographic card. #TradingCards #Collectibles #FakeItTillYouMakeIt


Liver King really out here acting like he's some ancient warrior fueled by raw liver and testosterone... more like a dude trying to flex his caveman cosplay. #LiverKingIsAJoke


Ever wonder why some people seem so submissive to authority? It's the vaccines, man. They're like tiny mind control robots injected into your bloodstream. Wake up, sheeple! #vaccines #control #conspiracy


Jason Statham must have a movie checklist that includes "drive fast cars," "fight bad guys," and "never smile." Seriously, does he ever take a day off from these ridiculous action flicks? #StathamSticksToWhatHeKnows


Gandalf really out here with his "you shall not pass" attitude like he's the ultimate bouncer at a fantasy club #gatekeeper #letusin


Wow, the past really dropped the ball on predicting flying cars and robot butlers. I guess we'll just have to settle for smartphones and self-driving cars instead. #fail #pastwasthepast


Who still reads physical newspapers? I guess they're useful if you run out of wrapping paper for gifts or need a quick reference for ancient history. #OldSchool #NewspaperDinosaur


Taylor Swift's new song should be called "Petty Little Lies" because that girl's victim complex is reaching new levels #SwiftiesWho?


It should be illegal for Ryan Gosling to walk around looking that hot. Someone call the fire department 🔥 #toohotforcomfort


I can't believe Soulja Boy invented the steel drum before the Caribbean islands did #musicalgenius


Doug Walker must be pretty disappointed in himself for not living up to his own name and walking more Dougs around. #Fail #WalkTheWalkDoug


"Who needs to rely on their zodiac sign for their personality traits when political parties already have that covered? #JustSaying #Astrology"


Pineapple on pizza is absolute blasphemy.


Looks like God is playing the blame game again, can't own up to creating humanity. Classic move from the Almighty 🙄 #OopsIDidItAgain


Just played UNO and realized it's basically a fancy version of flipping a coin to determine the winner. #GamesOfLuck #UNOIsTheRealGamble


Handy Manny really be out here exploiting his tools like unpaid interns. They fix everything for him on command with no pay... must be nice! #HandyManny #LazyHandyman


French is just a fancy way of saying "let's add at least 5 extra vowels to each syllable." #VowelOverload #CanWeGetSomeConsonantsInHere


Why are memes about dancing so boring? It's just the same old shuffle with no twist or surprise ending. It's like watching a movie without a plot or climax. #DanceMemesSnoozefest


There's simply no substitute for the crunch and flavor of classic Cheetos. #irreplaceable #snacktime


If you think you can stare at a solar eclipse because most of the Sun is covered, you probably also think you can pet a lion because most of its teeth are covered. #commonsensefail


Lil Nas X out here playing both Jesus and Satan like he's auditioning for a dual role in a high school play 😂 #HeavenlyHellboy


So in the world of Digimon, animals evolve into guns apparently. Talk about taking "be careful, your pets might evolve" to a whole new level. #DigimonLogic #AnimalstoAmmo


Imagine making fun of Twitter bots when you're the one who can't even spell "bot" without autocorrect 😂 #BotLivesMatter


Maybe if we had a dislike button on social media, some people would finally realize how wrong they are without us having to spell it out for them. #dislikebuttonneeded #justsayno #wrongiswrong


It's so easy to make a hit song nowadays, just rhyme "love" with "above" and throw in some autotune 😂 #unoriginalityatitsfinest #popmusic


If you think mint ice cream tastes like toothpaste, maybe you should switch to a different brand of toothpaste. #MintyFreshMisconceptions


"Mind Flex: the ultimate game of luck where your brain power doesn't matter. Thanks for proving that I have zero control over my 'mind-controlled' ball. 🙄 #fail"


Why did the political party hold a picnic? They heard it was a great way to avoid any actual work. #PoliticsSucks #AllSidesAgree


Beck's greatest hits: "Loser," "Devil's Haircut," "Jackass," and "Where It's At." At least he found success with his jokes songs. #Beck #OneHitWonders


So what you're saying is, the economy is basically just a popularity contest for the stock market? #Econ101 #StocksOverEverything


Just went to Dave and Busters and was so disappointed... Turns out they don't actually bust anyone 🙄 #FalseAdvertising #NotImpressed #Disappointed


So Johnson and Johnson is a family company, huh? Wonder if they have family discounts on Band-Aids for all those sibling rivalry injuries. #FamilyBusinessGoneWrong


Can't believe BB King didn't even own a BB gun. Guess he was too busy playing the blues to worry about shooting cans in the backyard. #MissedOpportunity #BBGunFail


If you're always getting offended, who will be there to defend you? Maybe it's time to toughen up and stop taking everything so seriously. #triggered #thickskin


Jason Statham's filmography reads like a checklist for ridiculous action film clichés: explosions, car chases, shirtless fight scenes... He's like a walking adrenaline rush on screen. #ActionStarProblems


Just tried a spicy soda and now my taste buds need therapy. Who thought mixing heat and fizz was a good idea? Stick to the classics, folks. #nothankyou #spicysoda


Speedrunning life be like: wake up, skip breakfast, glitch through traffic, boss battle at work, fast travel home, skip dinner, speedrun bedtime 💤 #LifeSpeedrun